Proverbs 4:25-27

Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

Turn not to the right hand nor the left: remove thy foot from evil.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Next Step Down The Path

So after a few months following Misty's blog on building a 72 hour kit, I read a post from a guest blogger on her site. I noticed that the fellow blogger was also a Thrive Life consultant and that she lived close by me. I was excited and contacted Misty via email and asked if she could hook me up with Andrea the guest blogger so that I could host a party and sample Thrive foods once again.

 Not long after that email, I received an email from Andrea who was more than willing to get together with me and have a one on one so I could ask questions and sample some food. Who doesn't like food, right??? I was impressed and decided to schedule a party to invite my family and friends to try the food as well.

 The day of the party came and I was really tempted to cancel. My mom wasn't interested and didn't sound like she wanted to come. My sister said she would go but didn't have anyone to bring with her and my friend Abigail said she would come but that she couldn't buy anything. So needless to say I felt like it was going to be a waste of time. But I decided to see what would happen. At the last minute, my mom decided she would ride along with me. Once we got there, my sister showed up with a friend. I was totally shocked. Abigail showed up and then Andrea informed me that a neighbor lady was going to be there as well. Yay!! I was so glad that I didn't cancel my party. Everything went great and the party sales ended up being over $1200. I was floored. I was going to be getting some great host benefits. Andrea asked me if I wanted to become a consultant. I was interested, but didn't think I really wanted to go that route. I knew I wanted to get Thrive foods in my pantry and I wanted it as cheap as I could get it. But I didn't think I wanted to stand in front of people and do parties. I have a hard time speaking in front of people. So Andrea told me to think about it and to let her know. 

I went home super excited about my party and told my husband all about it. I also talked to him about me becoming a consultant. He was encouraging and told me that it was up to me, but that he would be there to encourage me if I decided to do it. So the next day I called Andrea and told her I would do it. I ordered my kit and with in a short amount of time, I had my kit.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Quite A Leap Down The Path

It has been a long time since I have blogged on here. So many things have happened. And so I have decided to start again and try to journal about the new path I have decided to take. So the next few blog posts will be covering things that have happened and gotten me to where I am currently. First, I will start out by saying that, over a year ago the Lord put it on my heart to get my house in order and to get prepared. For what I wasn't sure. But I took the plunge and began researching preparedness sites. After many months of searching and tons of reading, I came upon a blog that really made things simple for me. It was a step by step guide to building a 72 hour kit or a group of bags that have all the supplies you would need to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of three days should there be an emergency or evacuation of your area. I was intrigued. I followed the blog for several weeks and saw that the author of the blog was also a Thrive Life consultant. I had also searched out many companies that provided freeze dried and long term food storage. So I emailed the author and asked for some samples. She lived in California at the time but was willing to mail me some sample out. She also included a recipe to make some soup. My family and I were super excited to try the samples and the soup that we received in May of 2012. We loved the individual samples but when we tried the soup, well let's just say it wasn't our favorite. So Thrive Life foods went on the back burner of my mind as I continue to follow the blog and gradually put my and my families 72 hour kits together.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

So close!

I woke up yesterday at 2:30am having contractions. They were pretty strong, but they were 20 minutes apart. I was waiting for a call from my midwife giving me the green light to try some castor oil to get things going. She finally called around 7:30am and gave me the thumbs up. None of her other clients were doing anything. So by 8:00am I drank my castor oil smoothie. From there, I start to have some contractions that grew closer together (2-3 minutes apart lasting 1 minute). Finally some progress. By 1:15pm the loose stools kicked in until 3:30pm. By this time I was having some very strong contractions and hoping they were getting the job done. By 4:00pm, I was soo tired and just wanted to take a nap. I finally gave in and took a nap, but then woke up to my contractions being gone. I was very disappointed. I had really hoped that the castor oil would get this baby out. I am going to try again either tomorrow or Monday depending on how things go from here. My midwife will let me know if we are in the clear again.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Where did October go?

Wow, I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed at midnight and realized it is November 1st already. October seems to have just flown by. I am really hoping that November does the same. I have only 6 weeks left until my due date, but I have my babies early, so technicaly I could have as little as two weeks left. They won't stop me from delivering after 36 weeks. I get a little nervous thinking that this baby could be here really soon. I have everything ready, it is just hard to believe we will be having a boy. I am a bit nervous about how the first few diaper changes are going to go after having five girls!!! Please pray for me :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sympathy Pains

I went to see my midwife today. I ended up being a half an hour early. As I sat in the waiting area of the birthing center, I could hear a mother giving birth in a room of the birthing center. One of the ladies that works there came out and told me that my midwife would be out soon. As I sat there waiting, I found myself remembering how it was when I gave birth to my first. I said many of the same things that this mama was saying. Things like....."I can't do this", "Cut me open and take the baby out", and "It hurts too bad". I felt her pain. I started to contract after a few minutes of hearing her labor.

Soon, my midwife came out and took my blood pressure. She said it was high and asked if listening to the other mama was stressing me out. I said "No, my heart just goes out to her because I've been there before". It is amazing how our bodies can react to what others are going through. The rest of my appt. was rushed so that my midwife could get back to deliver the mama's baby.

I pray that the mama and baby have a speedy recovery.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Waiting: Part 2

Well, I went in for my second ultra sound the other day and I was very excited to learn that the placenta has moved away from the cervix. It is now 4-5 cm from the opening. Yay!! That means I can have a "normal" delivery.

I also found out today that the choroid plexus cyst that was on the babies brain, is now gone and the brain looks normal. I am very thankful for that.

The right kidney is still bigger than the left, but I am prayerful that that also will resolve before birth. Even if it does not, it seems to be a minor issue that can be easily fixed at a later time.

So overall, I am very blessed and thank the Lord that things are moving in a more possitive direction. Now I just need to get my gestational diabetes under control better so I won't end up having to go to my OB/GYN and have to get shots :( I REALLY, REALLY don't like needles!!! That also may change my homebirth into a hospital one. So, I will do my best at trying to control my blood sugar by eating right and see how things turn out.

The girls helped me get my home birth box together last night. They are very excited to see this new baby :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am finding it hard to not get concerned for this pregnancy. I guess it may be my age or just the many high risk issues I am having to deal with this one. My last pregnancy was so easy (or it seems that way now) compared to how this one is turning out. But of course things can still change. But for some reason, I am finding it hard to imagine it turning out as I had hoped in the begining.

In the begining, I had imagined another beautiful home birth, but this time a water birth. The thought of laboring in the warm water seems so relaxing and painfree (I know, wishful thinking....right???). I also imagined only my midwife, family and closest friends there to welcome my little one. But as of my 20 week ultra sound, that has all seemed to go by the way side.

Now I imagine bed rest, lots of restrictions, and possible bad outcomes. The 20 week ultra sound showed that I have complete placenta previa, which means the placenta is blocking the babies exit. This can cause serious blood loss and possible death if it gets too bad. It can also mean a hysterectomy if bleeding can't be controlled after delivery. Oh and I didn't mentiont the obvious.....a c-section, possibly an emergency c-section at that.

Plus, baby has two issues that, in and of themselves, are no big deal and should resolve on their own. But, they are "soft markers" to down syndrome. So that makes me a little nervous, but doesn't change the way I will feel toward my baby. I love him unconditionally and will take him however the Lord sees fit. Oh, did I mention that it is our first boy after having six girls :)

So with all of this being said, I am playing the waiting game to find out more information as to whether or not the placenta has moved (so I can have my home birth) or if I will end up in the hospital having a c-section. I have my next visit with my midwife in one week and will be scheduling the next U/S at that time (which should be just a couple days later).

To Be Continued.......